After running the Honolulu Marathon in December of 2012 and feeling incapable of walking for the following 3 days I told myself: 'self, that was a once in a lifetime event... you can check it off your bucket list now and never do another marathon again'.
That was the case, until I met Amanda and she had run more than one marathon, more than 5, more than I have fingers to count. Oh and she ran a 50 miler too. And last week she convinced me that the 10th anniversary of the Route 66 Marathon on November 22nd here in Tulsa would be a great "second marathon" for me to enjoy. So I acquiesced and signed up for numero dos.
This one will be different though. I intend to use this marathon as an opportunity to help others instead of just losing some weight, getting in shape after the birth of a baby and checking a task off my bucket list. No, this one will be must different indeed. I invite you to join me here, on the blog every week, and keep me accountable to logging the miles required to condition my body for another grueling 26 mile run.
Each Sunday (or Monday when I've had a busy weekend) I will blog about the miles I have ran for the week. I want to share not just the number of miles completed or the time elapsed while training, but I want to be an encouragement to those also working to improve their health. Maybe you're not ready for a marathon yet, but instead your goal is to complete a 5K. If running isn't your forte than maybe your objective is to lose 10 pounds or decrease your body fat percentage by 5%. Whatever the goal, I challenge you to make a plan and stick with it. Keep your word and be true to yourself. Share it with me or someone close to you that will pledge to hold you accountable. Shouldn't we continually strive to improve our life and the lives of those around us anyway?
Finally, the most important motivation behind running yet another marathon (always save best for last) ; to spend time in prayer. Hold on a minute, before you write me off and stop reading because you think I am trying to 'religion-ize' running, please hear me out. For those of you whom have in fact run long distance, you can attest to the meditative state your mind is in while chugging along for 5, 10 even 20 miles. Some folks will throw in the ear buds and listen to music, podcasts or some kind of audio entertainment. I have used my running time in the past to jam out, catch up on NPR broadcasts (nerdy, I know) or listen to a sermon from one of my favorite evangelists. This time around though, I plan to pray for the direction of Living Well Ministries.
During the month of September I am asking the staff, supporters, clients, etc. of the ministry to pray also about what the Lord would have the ministry to do moving forward, under my direction as the new executive director. And please, let me know what is on your heart for the future of Living Well and what God speaks to you about the mission and subsequent execution here in Oklahoma. October will be the first month I begin sharing the petitions of the ministry and those involved with the intercessors that commit to pray on a weekly basis. And during the next three months of marathon training I will blog and share about how the Lord is blessing the ministry and how we are reaching the community with the Good News. Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16
If anyone can do it, it's you.